Friday, February 25, 2011

James Madison's Biography

James Madison
By: Kiersten Herd

Personal Information
Full name: James Madison
Birth Date: March 16, 1751
Place of Birth: Port Conway, Virginia
Nationality: English
Children: None
Spouse: Dolley Payne Todd Madison
Cause of Death: Heart Failure
Death Date: June 28, 1836
Place of Death: Montpelier Estate, Virginia
Age of Death: 85 years old
Religion: Episcopalian
Parents: Mother- Eleanor Conway
              Father-James Madison
Occupation: Farmer, Lawyer
Political Party: Democratic- Republican

Madison was born at his grandparent’s house on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia. He had 6 siblings, 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He studied and went to school as a young child and then went on to graduate from College of New Jersey (now known as Princeton University

In 1774, he enlisted in the military, but was forced to drop out because of health issues. He was shocked by this and that lead him to joining the public services. While he was in the services he worked as the president and was one of the first members of the House of Representatives. He Served as president for two terms and took notes at the Continental Congress Meetings. That is one of the only ways that we know what went on at the meetings.

After Retirement
After he retired from Pubic Services he helped his community. For example, he helped found the University of Virginia and many other things. When he passed away on June 28, 1836 at the age of 85 many were deeply saddened by it. He passed away because of old age and heart failure. He was the last survivor of the American Republic.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vans or TOMS?

           Vans or TOMS, that is the question. Both of these shoe brands are highly in fashion. There is a great contraversy on this topic and many teens can't decide which one.
           The TOMS have great support in the arches and are very comfortable. They are highly in fashion and teens are raving over them. Not only that, but if you buy a pair of TOMS the company gives a pair to a needy child in foriegn countries. It is a good cause and a great pair of shoes.
           On the other hand, Vans are also very high in the fashion world. They are tennis shoes so you can look good and stay fit. Also, for those teens who are still taking Fitness in school these shoes are a great thing to wear.
          Many people think that Vans are for the group of "punks." Although in reality every group in school can pull off the look. It just takes a cute shirt and a good pair of jeans.
           In the end, it is almost impossible to decide. They are both very good looking and great for support. In addition to that, they are about the same price. There is not a big difference so it can be decided by your own personality. If that doesn't work just rock them both!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

           Blogging is not a type of Journalism,but only a way for common people, like me, to express their feelings and opinions on what was reported in the news. When people "post" on their blog it is tipicaly less formal and more biast than news reports.
           In most cases people use blogging as a diary. They post what they are doing, watching, or even eating, and that is not a type of journalism. When you think about it you don't see the weather men talking about what he was eating while the rain poured on his roof.
           Journalist can be bloggers and then in that circumstance journlism could be blogging. Although in general, blogging is not journalism.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Mother is on Facebook?!

           Congratulations! Now that you accepted your parent's friend requests on Facebook you will be enjoying the random page long posts on your wall from your mom and the embarrasing comments from your dad. Then there is the embarrassing picture from your childhood that grandma tags you in(when she finally finds out how to put it on there.) Oh and don't worry all of your friends will see it!
           Mom's post has the very detailed memories of you sticking a bean up your nose when you were 2 years old. It talks about how you cried and wailed for hours and hours after the doctor pulled the bean out. Oh and not to mention when you "wet your pants" after you saw your uncle in a clown costume. Then you have to deal with it all at school tomorrow.
          Dad decided to comment on every other picture that you have loaded onto your page since last year. He likes EVERY picture that you have and if you don't say anything about it he decides to make it the new topic at the dinner table. Their lives are taking over your page!
            Not to mention that they are taking over your life too. They are adding all of your friends on facebook and expect them to confirm it. That is not the major problem though; the problem is that when your friends do reject them mom says something about it. None of your friends want to get a ride with you or even come to your house because your mom is "intimidating."
            Many kids are suffering from this serious complication, but what can you do? If you block them or delete their friendship than they will surely know. This is a big problem and there is suddenly an outbreak on social networks.