Thursday, May 5, 2011

Expectations for High School

When asked the question, “What do you want to get out of High School,” I wouldn’t quite know what to say. Of course everybody wants to have the best social experience that only comes once in a life time. Also, you want good grades and to get on Honor Roll all of the time. Maybe even get a scholarship at the end of your senior year. There is a long list of things to choose from. I guess when it comes down to it I would pick the following…..
                To start, there is the social experience. In high school there are so many different cliques that it isn’t hard to fit in, but who wants to just fit in? Most want to be captain of the Cheerleading squad or to be Prom Queen. The social part of high school takes a huge toll on what you think of high school. If you are a loner in the corner it will obviously be a stupid experience that you can’t wait to end. I personally don’t want to be prom queen or some big part, but just to have good and trustworthy friends. Of course there will be some boys, but most of the time they are stupid anyways.
                Next, you have the good grades. They don’t come first but can play a part of your adventure.  You don’t want to be the nerdy person with no friends but you want to have exceptional grades and have a brightened future. Some people say that college is the best experience you can have. To have that fun you have to have good grades and get into some fun college. Not the trashy high school down in the creepiest part of town where you go to pull up your grades and get the chance of working at a Smiths in your Neighborhood. If you get a scholarship your worries could melt away and you could just have fun.
                Lastly, I want to just get out of middle school. There is always so much drama and nobody cares about anything but boys. It can get to the point where it tears friends apart and even create enemies. In High School there will obviously still be drama, but it hopefully won’t be as ridiculous as it is now. Also, there are more people to be friends with and do things with in high school so you won’t have to keep the same friends or have no friends after a big fight.
 In conclusion, when you ask anybody about their high school memories they always have these funny and rebellious stories that barely make sense but make you laugh. The experiences and education are always a hilarious thing to think about. It all seems worth the stupid things that you have to do to get to high school and have fun. Like getting good grades and having a job to pay for fun things. I can’t wait for high school and the fun things that it will bring!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tom, the piper's son

                                                      Tom, Tom, the piper's son,
                                                    Stole a pig, and away did run!
                                                             The pig was eat,
                                                          And Tom was beat,
                                                        And Tom went crying
                                                             Down the street.
                It had been a hard winter in the forest where Tom and his father were living. The conditions were bad and Tom’s poor father was sick. You see Tom’s father was a piper and they didn’t make enough money to live the upper class lives and have nice homes, so they both lived in a log cabin. The cracks let in a draft and John, the piper, came down with a terrible cold. They didn’t have any food and were getting famished so Tom decided to go on a trip…
                He just made it into the town and he knew that he didn’t have much time so he got the closest and cheapest food that he could get his hands on. It was Farmer Hansel’s fat pig. It would be enough for his father and him to eat for the next month, so he started home again. He carried that fat pork 5 and ½ miles back to the forest.
                Later that night at dinner the pork was marvelous. The way that it tasted against the two males tongues was enough to make a nice and civilized man go insane. Tom was exhausted and so he went to bed early that night leaving his dad in the feather bed and saying a quick, “Good night father.” His stomach was full and all seemed to be well.
                When he woke up in the morning he was going to make bacon for breakfast, and he was excited to surprise his beloved papa with the amazing aroma.  It took him a while to prepare the meal but when it was finally done his went to get his pa from his room. As he entered the room he immediately knew that something was wrong.
                He couldn’t believe it, his father was gone! He had passed away sometime in the middle of the night and now he was gone. Tom didn’t know that his father was that ill, in fact he thought that the pig was helping his dad and that he only had a little sniffle. Tom could not bear to live in the place where his father died so he packed his things and left the little log cabin in the harsh woods. He didn’t know where he was going but he had to leave.
                 It had only been around 30 minutes and all that had happened hit Tom like a brick on the head. He began to cry uncontolably and was very emotional. He finall realized that his father was gone and wouldn't come back. From that moment on he knew that he couldn't ever return to that house in the forest and that he would see the world like one long adventure. Downt the street Tom, the piper's son went, he would never turn back because he was going to see new things and meet new people. Down went Tom, the piper's changed son.

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Ghost Town

                It has been almost half of a century since anybody has lived in Pripyat. “Careful, don’t touch anything with you bare hands, “reported the guide that lead people through this desolate city. On the bottom of a Kindergarten floor there were book shelves and teddy bears that were covered in thick dust. Animals still wander there, but they are not afraid of any human that enters this place. It is a Ghost Town, all due to a nuclear explosion that is still being paid for.
                Doesn’t this remind you of a recent even? That is right; the events of what is happening in Japan are similar to this. It is estimated to cost 118 billion dollars to pay their debts off. Most of the money will have to be paid by Tokyo Electric Power Co. In the previous story they were paying “hundreds of billions of dollars” for almost 20 years. In 2005 it finally went down to 5%.
                In conclusion, these things are still being paid for. They are paying billions and billions of dollars and it is still affecting the world. Just imagine the pain and hurt that you would feel. You lost your home, some family, and even some friends in an explosion and you still pay for it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Imposter?

                Was he an imposter? James R. Corliss claims that Joseph Fuoco was on the plane and that he was so close that he could actually shake hands with this guy. It seems like good evidence doesn’t it? Most people would agree that it is good and solid evidence, but when Corliss passed away people began to point fingers all over again. When Corliss’ wife was interviewed she said, “That’s a lot of baloney he couldn’t make up such a thing. I always called him a Boy Scout.” Although she said that she didn’t have and documentary evidence of his participation on the flight so no conclusions could be made.
                I found it striking that even though there were witnesses that Fuoco was there nobody would believe what he said. Even the Author of the book where all of this information occurred said, “You can’t have wrong history going out, it has to be corrected. If this happened to me or my family I would be offended. It says that Corliss was proud and that it is good that he passed away because all of this would just hurt him.
                All in all, my opinion is that this is all just ridiculous. You have a witness that says he was on the plane and that you could touch him, but you still don’t agree? Like Mrs. Corliss said it is all just a bunch of baloney.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Family of 2,000

                Yitta Schwartz was a member of the Hasidic sect, on average ever couple in this religion have 9 kids. Yitta and her husband had 15 living children and 7 deceased by the time of her death. She left behind around 2,000 descendants. Not only that but it was part of their religion to attend every circumcision, first haircut, bar mitzvahs, engagements, and weddings of her family. Her 6th oldest daughter currently has 16 children and more than 100 grandchildren. Can you believe that?
                It is striking that they could have this many children by the time of 93. That means that you would have to make bread from 12 pounds of dough. For the first part of Yitta’s life she would not use a Kitchen-aid or Bosch, although finally she did resort to that. If this happened to you would it be relevant? Well, considering that in their religion they believe this to be right and what is supposed to happen. So in this circumstance, it would be relevant.
                I found this article really interesting and I would like to see the normal day in the life of one of these mothers. It does sound really hard to keep up with the responsibilities of the mother of 16 children. In the end, Yitta died at the age of 93, she left behind a family of 2,000. Wouldn’t that make you crazy?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Persecution for Photos?

                The authorities prosecute artist that take pictures with meaning and real personality. When one of the artists, Umida Akhmedove, took a photo of a child on the muddy floor she was taken to court. The complaint stated, “With one glance at these pictures on can see that repair work is being done in these rooms, and that the children entered them purely through the child’s curiosity that is inherent to them, but to foreigners these photographs may give the impression that these children live in these homes.”

                I found it to be interesting that they are actually prosecuting people for this. I compelety disagree with what they are doing. If they really do feel that you can see that children are just wandering around and the houses are still being built then they should have nothing to fear. With them prosecuting people for this is showing that they are scared of something. It also shows a weakness on their side.
                 In conclusion, I do think that is wrong to go after people for their creativity. They are just trying to make a good picture with real feeling. I also think that the other artist should take a stand and do something. This is putting a cap to the creativity and new ideas that people could be bringing to the world. It is not right!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Loo's Olympic Dream

           Alexa Loo was raised by the mountains and every morning she woke up she would feel as if the mountains were beaconing to her. She went to school to become an accountant but she couldn't shake this feeling of wanting to be by the mountains. The first time she went snowboarding she was only 15 years old and then raced at the age of 21. She made it to the Olympics and tore her knee ligament. Her finances were gone and she was left with nothing.
           Meanwhile, the Kin brothers emigrated from China in 1981 and worked unceasingly for many years to learn English and support their lifestyle. Finally, they had the chance to do what they wanted, open a produce stand. It started out at only being 8 feet and the Kin brothers having to eat whatever they didn’t sell. Today it is currently standing 27 stories high.
          When the brothers heard of Loo’s injury they wanted to help her with her finances. They came to the idea of selling special bags for her and then giving the money to her. By doing that Loo felt the support of her own community and finished with a silver medal and an experience of a lifetime.
         It was an amazing thing for the both of the brothers to help Loo and for Loo to achieve her dreams. If everybody could be as charitable as these two our world would be an amazing place. I would love to know what happened to these two groups and if they ever became friends.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

10 Most Breathtaking Waterfalls

These waterfalls are gorgeous. Even looking at them makes you feel calm and at peace. The rushing white water and the clear blue skies just take your breath away.

 To look at this article go to:

Friday, February 25, 2011

James Madison's Biography

James Madison
By: Kiersten Herd

Personal Information
Full name: James Madison
Birth Date: March 16, 1751
Place of Birth: Port Conway, Virginia
Nationality: English
Children: None
Spouse: Dolley Payne Todd Madison
Cause of Death: Heart Failure
Death Date: June 28, 1836
Place of Death: Montpelier Estate, Virginia
Age of Death: 85 years old
Religion: Episcopalian
Parents: Mother- Eleanor Conway
              Father-James Madison
Occupation: Farmer, Lawyer
Political Party: Democratic- Republican

Madison was born at his grandparent’s house on March 16, 1751 in Port Conway, Virginia. He had 6 siblings, 3 brothers and 3 sisters. He studied and went to school as a young child and then went on to graduate from College of New Jersey (now known as Princeton University

In 1774, he enlisted in the military, but was forced to drop out because of health issues. He was shocked by this and that lead him to joining the public services. While he was in the services he worked as the president and was one of the first members of the House of Representatives. He Served as president for two terms and took notes at the Continental Congress Meetings. That is one of the only ways that we know what went on at the meetings.

After Retirement
After he retired from Pubic Services he helped his community. For example, he helped found the University of Virginia and many other things. When he passed away on June 28, 1836 at the age of 85 many were deeply saddened by it. He passed away because of old age and heart failure. He was the last survivor of the American Republic.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vans or TOMS?

           Vans or TOMS, that is the question. Both of these shoe brands are highly in fashion. There is a great contraversy on this topic and many teens can't decide which one.
           The TOMS have great support in the arches and are very comfortable. They are highly in fashion and teens are raving over them. Not only that, but if you buy a pair of TOMS the company gives a pair to a needy child in foriegn countries. It is a good cause and a great pair of shoes.
           On the other hand, Vans are also very high in the fashion world. They are tennis shoes so you can look good and stay fit. Also, for those teens who are still taking Fitness in school these shoes are a great thing to wear.
          Many people think that Vans are for the group of "punks." Although in reality every group in school can pull off the look. It just takes a cute shirt and a good pair of jeans.
           In the end, it is almost impossible to decide. They are both very good looking and great for support. In addition to that, they are about the same price. There is not a big difference so it can be decided by your own personality. If that doesn't work just rock them both!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

           Blogging is not a type of Journalism,but only a way for common people, like me, to express their feelings and opinions on what was reported in the news. When people "post" on their blog it is tipicaly less formal and more biast than news reports.
           In most cases people use blogging as a diary. They post what they are doing, watching, or even eating, and that is not a type of journalism. When you think about it you don't see the weather men talking about what he was eating while the rain poured on his roof.
           Journalist can be bloggers and then in that circumstance journlism could be blogging. Although in general, blogging is not journalism.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Mother is on Facebook?!

           Congratulations! Now that you accepted your parent's friend requests on Facebook you will be enjoying the random page long posts on your wall from your mom and the embarrasing comments from your dad. Then there is the embarrassing picture from your childhood that grandma tags you in(when she finally finds out how to put it on there.) Oh and don't worry all of your friends will see it!
           Mom's post has the very detailed memories of you sticking a bean up your nose when you were 2 years old. It talks about how you cried and wailed for hours and hours after the doctor pulled the bean out. Oh and not to mention when you "wet your pants" after you saw your uncle in a clown costume. Then you have to deal with it all at school tomorrow.
          Dad decided to comment on every other picture that you have loaded onto your page since last year. He likes EVERY picture that you have and if you don't say anything about it he decides to make it the new topic at the dinner table. Their lives are taking over your page!
            Not to mention that they are taking over your life too. They are adding all of your friends on facebook and expect them to confirm it. That is not the major problem though; the problem is that when your friends do reject them mom says something about it. None of your friends want to get a ride with you or even come to your house because your mom is "intimidating."
            Many kids are suffering from this serious complication, but what can you do? If you block them or delete their friendship than they will surely know. This is a big problem and there is suddenly an outbreak on social networks.