Friday, April 29, 2011

Tom, the piper's son

                                                      Tom, Tom, the piper's son,
                                                    Stole a pig, and away did run!
                                                             The pig was eat,
                                                          And Tom was beat,
                                                        And Tom went crying
                                                             Down the street.
                It had been a hard winter in the forest where Tom and his father were living. The conditions were bad and Tom’s poor father was sick. You see Tom’s father was a piper and they didn’t make enough money to live the upper class lives and have nice homes, so they both lived in a log cabin. The cracks let in a draft and John, the piper, came down with a terrible cold. They didn’t have any food and were getting famished so Tom decided to go on a trip…
                He just made it into the town and he knew that he didn’t have much time so he got the closest and cheapest food that he could get his hands on. It was Farmer Hansel’s fat pig. It would be enough for his father and him to eat for the next month, so he started home again. He carried that fat pork 5 and ½ miles back to the forest.
                Later that night at dinner the pork was marvelous. The way that it tasted against the two males tongues was enough to make a nice and civilized man go insane. Tom was exhausted and so he went to bed early that night leaving his dad in the feather bed and saying a quick, “Good night father.” His stomach was full and all seemed to be well.
                When he woke up in the morning he was going to make bacon for breakfast, and he was excited to surprise his beloved papa with the amazing aroma.  It took him a while to prepare the meal but when it was finally done his went to get his pa from his room. As he entered the room he immediately knew that something was wrong.
                He couldn’t believe it, his father was gone! He had passed away sometime in the middle of the night and now he was gone. Tom didn’t know that his father was that ill, in fact he thought that the pig was helping his dad and that he only had a little sniffle. Tom could not bear to live in the place where his father died so he packed his things and left the little log cabin in the harsh woods. He didn’t know where he was going but he had to leave.
                 It had only been around 30 minutes and all that had happened hit Tom like a brick on the head. He began to cry uncontolably and was very emotional. He finall realized that his father was gone and wouldn't come back. From that moment on he knew that he couldn't ever return to that house in the forest and that he would see the world like one long adventure. Downt the street Tom, the piper's son went, he would never turn back because he was going to see new things and meet new people. Down went Tom, the piper's changed son.

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