Thursday, April 7, 2011

An Imposter?

                Was he an imposter? James R. Corliss claims that Joseph Fuoco was on the plane and that he was so close that he could actually shake hands with this guy. It seems like good evidence doesn’t it? Most people would agree that it is good and solid evidence, but when Corliss passed away people began to point fingers all over again. When Corliss’ wife was interviewed she said, “That’s a lot of baloney he couldn’t make up such a thing. I always called him a Boy Scout.” Although she said that she didn’t have and documentary evidence of his participation on the flight so no conclusions could be made.
                I found it striking that even though there were witnesses that Fuoco was there nobody would believe what he said. Even the Author of the book where all of this information occurred said, “You can’t have wrong history going out, it has to be corrected. If this happened to me or my family I would be offended. It says that Corliss was proud and that it is good that he passed away because all of this would just hurt him.
                All in all, my opinion is that this is all just ridiculous. You have a witness that says he was on the plane and that you could touch him, but you still don’t agree? Like Mrs. Corliss said it is all just a bunch of baloney.

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